Dear Colleagues,  

Your research produces solutions that address the most complex issues and problems. Whether through small grants or large contracts, your scholarship elevates understanding, discovery, and solutions. In FY24, USC research expenditures grew by over 10% to another historic high. 

The world-changing research at USC evolves from labs to markets when we patent and commercialize your inventions. Last fiscal year, your contributions enabled the USC Stevens Center, our technology transfer office, to generate nearly $9M in annual licensing revenue, another ten-year high.  

These remarkable achievements are to your credit and examples of how OORI works to assist your transformative research. Our team looks forward to developing even stronger relationships to support you.  

Enjoy the remainder of your summer!  

With gratitude, 

Ishwar K. Puri 

Senior Vice President, Research & Innovation and Professor 


Associates Award for Creativity in Research and Scholarship: The USC Associates Awards are the highest honors the university can bestow on its members for their distinguished achievements. Please submit your nominations by September 25th. For program and nomination information, click here.  

Call for Nominations – The Frontiers Planet Prize: Launched by the Frontiers Research Foundation, the Frontiers Planet Prize recognizes and awards a National Champion for each participating country, and three prizes of CHF 1 million each to 3 International Champions. The award is based on Dr. Johan Rockström’s nine planetary boundaries. The application deadline is September 16, 2024, 5PM. The Frontiers Planet Prize will be awarded to the best research published in established peer-reviewed scientific journals, with robust peer review and transparent publication procedures. The acceptance date of the article must fall within the 2 years prior to the launch of the competition. (Date of acceptance: November 1, 2022, to October 31, 2024). The eligibility criteria for nominations can be found here. The link to submit your nomination is here.  

Navigating Research and Scholarship at USC: Whether you are new or need a refresher, we would like to invite you to attend this year’s research and scholarship orientation for faculty, staff, postdocs, PhD students, and graduate students on Friday, August 23rd, from 9:00am to 12:00pm PDT, via zoom. We have prepared an exciting and informative program on the latest and greatest resources and support available at USC to help you conduct research and navigate scholarship. Learn more and register here


Upcoming Grant Opportunities & Information Sessions: (1) The Engineering Research Centers (ERC) program in the NSF Division of Engineering Education and Centers will hold a webinar on August 5th at 9:00AM PST where the Gen-4 ERC program (NSF 24-576) will be discussed, with a Q&A portion to follow. The ERC program supports high-risk, high-payoff research centers focused on advancing engineered systems technology and education through multidisciplinary, cross-sector partnerships. Register here for the ERC Q&A webinar. 

(2) U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) recently awarded the California Hydrogen Hub, led by the Alliance for Renewable Clean Hydrogen Energy Systems (ARCHES), with $30 million for the first tranche of funding out of the total project federal cost share of up to $1.2 billion. OCED and ARCHES will hold a virtual community briefing on Monday, August 5, at 12:00 p.m. PDT/3:00 p.m. EDT to provide an overview of the current project plans and engagement opportunities. More information including a link to register for the virtual briefing is available here


DCG Staffing Update – Dragana Davidovic has stepped in to assume the role of Principal Officer of the Viterbi Team. Dragana will manage the team and act as the DCG point of contract for all industry, international and local government sponsored projects. Dragana brings extensive experience, having served as a research administrator at Viterbi, and in various officer roles, including federal officer, senior officer, and principal officer. She will ensure a smooth leadership transition for Viterbi and our Viterbi team.  

Monthly Training Dates for August: 

The Department of Contracts and Grants offers on a monthly basis, and upon request, a pre-award and post-award training. The pre-award training walks administrators through the proposal process at USC covering; roles and responsibilities, how to route proposals through the Cayuse system, and USC processes and policies to be aware of. The post-award training provides an overview of roles and responsibilities, cost principals, common post award issues and how/when to seek sponsor prior approval. Below are the dates and times the trainings will be available in August:    

Pre-Award Training: A Walk Through Cayuse SP and the Proposal Process   

Zoom Link: 

Wednesday, August 28th from 1:30pm – 3:00pm PDT     

Post-Award: Managing Common Post Award Issues and Questions    

Zoom Link:  

Friday, August 30th from 1:30pm – 3:00pm PDT 


As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering innovation and commercialization within the USC community, we are excited to announce a new initiative aimed at improving our intellectual property management services. The USC Stevens Center for Innovation, in collaboration with TreMontiConsulting, LLC, is set to undertake a comprehensive evaluation of our issued, unlicensed patent portfolio. This initiative is designed to collect detailed and current information, including direct feedback from inventors regarding previous disclosures and issued, unlicensed patents. Our goal is to strategically prioritize technologies with the highest potential and make informed decisions about those that may no longer align with strategic commercialization or research objectives. 

On August 20th, the Stevens Center, USC Viterbi School of Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and the Keck School of Medicine MESH Partnership will be hosting a Faculty Patents and Licensing Training workshop at MCB 101 from 9:00 am – 1:00 pm PDT. Join this session and discover the secrets to successful patents and licensing. This training session will transform research into real-world impact! Please register here: 


USC’s Human Research Protection Program is accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection programs (AAHRPP). AAHRPP accreditation is the global gold standard for research involving people. Organizations that are AAHRPP accredited have demonstrated—through an objective, external evaluation—that they are committed to conducting safe, ethical human research. USC’s AAHRPP reaccreditation application will be submitted by September 15, 2024. In preparation for the reaccreditation visit, the HRPP has been making updates to the HRPP Policy to ensure the policy is relevant, current, and practical for the USC Research Community.  

We have also updated IND/IDE and Single IRB Information on our website. If you notice anything on our website that needs updating, please let us know. Our goal is for the website to provide resources that the USC community needs to support ethical research involving people.  

We have changed the way Virtual Office Hours work. They are now available to drop in or sign up. Drop-in times are Mondays at 9:00 am PDT and Thursdays at 3:00 pm PDT. You may also sign up to meet with someone during those two time periods. If these timeframes do not work, you may also reach out to schedule an office hour. Please check our website for details.  

Please remember that the IRB approved protocol must be used as the guide for your study. Please be sure that the entire study team is familiar and understands all the content of the protocol. This includes the sequence of all study activities. Please be sure your study team is up to date with IRB expectations regarding each specific protocol they support. Reach out to if we can help! 


Planning for animal costs: DAR recognizes costs are rising for animal use in research and is using careful considerations with analytical review, faculty feedback, communication, and solutions. An announcement and post last month went out to all faculty that per diem and service rates will increase 2%, effective July 1, 2024. A table identifying new rate(s) by species can be located on the DAR website.  Please find details regarding the DAR cost structure and rate analysis here as well as the proposed 5 year rate schedule for planning on grant proposals or changes. A well-attended DCG budget webinar on 6/14 provided helpful tips on anticipating rising costs in animal proposals and explained the services, supplies, and costs that go into per diem and service rate calculations.  

Upgrades in Animal Facilities: Essential upgrades are underway in our animal facilities to improve efficiency for your research. DAR continues to oversee these projects for research continuity and animal welfare. Please see below for the timeline of completion:  

  1. ZNI Bulk Sterilizer replacement project – August 9, 2024. DAR staff will monitor noise and vibrations during the project and promptly address excessive disturbances with the contractors. 
  1. RRI various rooms- Aug 5, 2024. 
  1. The HMR freight elevator modernization project – August 3, 2024. 

Resource Guide: check out the DAR-Quick Guide on Overcrowded Cages on the DAR website. PIs can encourage their staff to utilize this valuable resource to avoid overcrowded cage notices, animal welfare issues, mis mating, genetic contamination, and separation fees.  

Did you know: DAR has a business continuity/emergency plan for all animal facilities owned and operated by USC to protect your research and ensure animal welfare? This plan is not only required by university policy but also by AAALAC, USDA, and NIH’s Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare; making it robust, tested annually and consistently updated to meet unforeseen circumstances. For additional resources, contact information, training videos, and answers to FAQs, please visit 

Monthly updates are archived here.