
Welcome to the Office of Research and Innovation (OORI) at the University of Southern California. Our mission is simple, to enhance research at the University of Southern California and our surrounding innovation ecosystem and ensure our research is compliant with government and university policies. Our team helps our community make astonishing discoveries, be creative, and translate research for the betterment of humanity. Here, you will find links to the resources, methods, and tools we provide to make this happen.
Ishwar K. Puri, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President, Research & Innovation
Professor of Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
Information and Guidelines
Learn about research at USC and the university’s strategic plans.
Find out who is leading the charge for research at the Office of Research and Innovation (OORI).
Office of Research and Innovation (OORI) works with various committees and groups.
Assigning Authorship and Attributing Contributions
USC is committed to fair and honest attribution of the contributions of each person creating research and creative works.
Data Sharing, Privacy, Security and Open Scholarship
At USC balancing privacy and transparency is essential.
USC’s priority is to conduct research that benefits all segments of society, by a broadly diverse and inclusive research community.
Reference tool that highlights some of the important USC policies related to sponsored projects.
Rigor, Transparency and Reproducibility
USC supports open scholarship and research to maximize transparency, effectiveness and public benefits of our work.
Office of Research and Innovation (OORI) Services
USC AMI bridges the gap between biomedical innovation and the creation of commercially successful medical products.
Department of Animal Resources
DAR provides and ensures appropriate care in all aspects of USC animal research.
Department of Contracts and Grants
DCG supports investigators from proposal development to award closeout.
Human Research Protection Program
HRPP develops program-wide policies for the conduct and review of human subjects research at USC.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
IACUC oversees USC’s animal programs, facilities, and policies ensuring appropriate care, ethical use and humane treatment of animals.
Research Initiatives and Infrastructure
RII manages internal award programs, limited submissions, shared resources and faculty training and mentoring.
The mission of RI is to foster a culture of integrity within the entire USC research community.
Research Strategy and Development
RSD helps investigators develop large-scale and interdisciplinary research proposals and informs them about federally-funded research programs.
RTS maintains and supports the systems diSClose and iStar for research compliance.
USC Stevens is USC’s technology transfer office and also leads corporate research collaborations.
Research at USC’s Schools
Division of Biokinesiology and Physical Therapy
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC
Keck School of Medicine of USC
USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance
USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology
USC Leventhal School of Accounting
USC Marshall School of Business
USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy
USC Roski School of Art and Design
USC Rossier School of Education
USC School of Advanced Computing
USC Sol Price School of Public Policy