Resources and Opportunities

To help our USC research community, as well as the larger community in LA and beyond, we are updating our resources and opportunities. Here is what’s new:

This site is the comprehensive hub for information about COVID-19-related research at USC, including funding opportunities, USC resources (virus, facilities, IRB approvals, mask/shield maker info, and much more), and ways to network.  Please add your name to the list of experts and/or researchers looking to collaborators and projects.

If you are doing any COVID-19 related research, we’d like to feature you here.  This is a resource for USC communications, USC leadership, USC alumni, and interested parties outside of USC.

This site has the archive of guidance and policies about continuing research during COVID-19, including funder regulations, access to facilities, essential personnel information, etc.

We look forward to your proposals for support of COVID-19 research. Based on peer reviews, we will award multiple grants of up to $85,000 by July. Submissions are due on May 11th.

  • Quick COVID-19 Humanitarian Use innovation License & Agreement Processing

USC Stevens has a new fast humanitarian use license for companies making, using, and selling USC’s COVID-19 related inventions.  Disclosed USC software can be made available through an academic/non-profit/open-source use license.  COVID-19 related data and material MTA/DTA agreements are being expedited.  The USC Stevens website showcases all of our USC COVID-19 innovations.

In the light of COVID-19 pressures, we have restructured this PNDRA opportunity.   The new maximum award size will be $125,000; this will allow for some funds to be saved for just-in-time COVID-19 opportunities, such as collaborations with the City of LA data collections and other new pathways for local impact by our researchers.  We will be communicating those opportunities as they arise. PNSDRA submission deadline of May 11th is unchanged so we can provide reviews in time to distribute funds by July.

We are soliciting proposals for a new, lighter form of core instrumentation, including sharable instruments, datasets, and repositories within faculty labs that can become part of the core recharge system, to promote access and sustainability of core infrastructure across USC.  A new call for proposals is found here; required LOIs are due by April 24th, invited proposals will be due by May 29th.

  • Connecting Our Research Community

We are ramping up ways of connecting our research community through affinity groups, discussion forums, more tutorials on topics of interest, and anything else you may find helpful via Zoom.  Please send us your input on activities you would like to see or organize by filling out this form:

As always, all COVID-19 related updates are found at

We look forward to supporting USC’s research community during this unprecedented challenge, and finding ways for all of us to stay engaged and active in discovery and innovation that helps our world.