Committees & Working Groups
USC employs a number of committees, working groups, and task forces. Some of these are standing committees and have long-term appointments, while working groups and task forces are typically devoted to finite tasks with a specific timeline. View our current and past committees and working groups below.
Research Council
Annie Wong-Beringer
Mahta Moghaddam
Bill Swartout
Terry Benzel
Eric Rice
Amy Murphy
Gale Sinatra
Peer Fiss
Alice Jeng-Yun Chen
Sean Curran
Thomas Buchanan
Amy Merrill-Brugger
Robin Stevens
Amelia Jones
Aaron Lauda
William Deverell
TreaAndrea Russworm
William Dotson
University Research Committee
Carol Wise
Daniel O’Leary
Eunjoo Pacifici
Gale Sinatra (Chair)
Holly Willis
Moreton Bay
Nicholas Mancuso
Peter Cardon
Phebe Vayanos
Stacey Niemiec
Bill Swartout
Yasmin Copur-Gencturk