Center for Generative AI and Society

The Center for Generative AI and Society was founded in 2023 with the mission of understanding how the new field of generative AI is impacting society, with the additional goals of finding ways of minimizing negative impacts while enhancing positive ones. The Center currently consists of two major subgroups. The first, co-headed by Profs. Holly Willis and Mike Ananny, is a collaboration between the School of Cinematic Arts and the Annenberg School of Communication. This group is examining the ways in which generative AI is impacting media and the cinematic arts. The second group, headed by Prof. William Swartout, is a collaboration with Dr. Benjamin Nye at the Institute for Creative Technologies and Prof. Stephen Aguilar at the Rossier School of Education, and their colleagues. That group is examining the impact of generative AI on education and exploring how education can evolve productively in the face of the disruption posed by generative AI.