Monthly Update – March 2020

Latest guidance about research during COVID-19 is found at  The site also includes COVID-19 funding opportunities here.

We have set up a USC Virus-Related Research web sitehere.  To add your research, click here.  See our 3D face masks and shields site as well.  We welcome your ideas and new content.

Upcoming USC Research and Innovation (R&I) internal grant deadlines – May 11th

Zumberge Special Solicitation – Epidemic & Virus Related Research and Development Award

Provost New Strategic Directions for Research Award

TRAINING WORKSHOPS & MENTORING: Zoom CER – Join us! The Center of Excellence in Research is continuing with its workshops via Zoom. In April we have: Successful Strategies for a Mission Agency Young Investigator/Early Career Award, How to Obtain NIH Funding, and Preparing and Submitting NSF CAREER Award Proposals. Visit our website for more info and to RSVP, click here.

FEDERAL FUNDING PATHWAYS: Up-to-date funding opportunities related to COVID-19 are available here. Recent highlights include administrative supplements for NIDA and NHLBI, NCATS CTSA funding, and research projects solicited by NIGMS and NIAID. DHHS is soliciting proposals for the development of medical products, and AHRQ is soliciting supplements and research projects. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, DOE, and IBM have also developed a COVID-19 high performance computing consortium that is soliciting research proposals. For assistance in planning and preparing proposals on these and other topics, contact Dr. Steven Moldin.

USC STEVENS CENTER FOR INNOVATION: USC Stevens will be granting all of its startups and small company licensees an extension on all payments (excluding patent reimbursements) due to USC Stevens between March 15, 2020 and June 30, 2020. Payments due during that timeframe will be due by September 30, 2020.  If the licensee also needs a deferral of patent cost reimbursements before June 30, 2020, Licensing Associates will help with adjusting the repayment schedule.  All qualified companies will be notified by April 3, 2020.

RESEARCH INTEGRITY: The University Research Committee, led by Prof. Travis Williams, worked with stakeholders in each of the schools, the Academic Senate, and the USC Research and Innovation (R&I) Integrity and Environmental Health and Safety to develop a modernized procedure for investigating research misconduct and a new University Laboratory Personnel Protection Policy. The policies are awaiting approval by the Office of the President.

OPRS/IRB: USC IRB has updated our FAQ to include information regarding fast-tracking new studies and amendments related to COVID-19 as well as short term changes in gaining informed consent and HIPAA authorization using digital signatures through DocuSign and REDCap. Additionally, a process has been established for fast-tracking full board COVID-19 related studies. More information regarding these and other topics can be found on our website (OPRS).

CONTRACTS & GRANTS:  DCG is available to assist you by phone or email, contact your DCG Officer.  DCG is posting agency-specific guidance to USC Research and Innovation (R&I) COVID-19, and distributing NIH, NSF, and DOD updates to PI/Co-PIs of active awards.  Please see the most recent Funding Opportunity Announcement for the updated deadlines.  Many agencies have adjusted submission dates; NIH has indicated that all applications submitted late for due dates between March 9, 2020, and May 1, 2020, will be accepted through May 1, 2020.