The World Building Media Lab (WbML), directed by award-winning designer and professor Alex McDowell RDI, defines an experiential, collaborative and interdisciplinary practice that integrates imagination and emergent technologies, creating new narratives from inception through iteration and prototyping into multimedia making.
Category: Centers and Institutes
The World Building Institute is a cutting edge USC non-profit Organized Research Unit dedicated to the dissemination, education, and appreciation of the future of narrative media through World Building.
The Mixed Reality Lab (MxR) was established at the University of California Institute for Creative Technologies in 2008, with the goal of exploring emerging human-machine interactions and coming up with innovative hardware, platform, and system solutions along the way. The resulting research in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) pushed immersive technology out of…
Housed within USC’s School of Cinematic Arts, the Mobile and Environmental Media Lab’s design methodology straddles the cultures of visual storytelling, games, and interaction design. Accordingly, their work mashes together conceptual tools of storytelling (dramatic arc, character motivation, conflict, obstacles, and resolution) with the core concerns of game design (systems, procedures, constraints, objectives, resources, core…
The Machine and Process Intelligence (MPI) Center focuses on fundamental development of the next generation intelligent manufacturing and processing technologies at the levels of machine intelligence, process intelligence, systems intelligence, and decision-making intelligence. Material processing and manufacturing industries are entering a new era of revolutionary technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics,…
Research at the John C. Hench Division of Animation & Digital Arts incorporates practice in organic and digital media ranging from works of metaphysical expression and perceptual experience, to the exploration of dreams and narrative storytelling, visualizing science, and documentary animation.
The Integrated Media Systems Center (IMSC) blends the unique resources available across the University of Southern California and Los Angeles to create a world-class, multidisciplinary hub for exploration and discovery. We engage a diverse faculty with expertise in fundamental research areas critical to every aspect of data science and are closely connected to the domain…
IRIS computer vision lab is a unit of USC’s School of Engineering. It was founded in 1986 and has been a major center of government- and industry-sponsored research in computer vision and machine learning.
Founded in 1998 by the University of Southern California’s Dean of the School of Cinematic Arts Elizabeth Daley in conversation with filmmaker George Lucas, the Institute for Multimedia Literacy is dedicated to developing educational programs and conducting research on the changing nature of literacy in a networked culture.
The new Institute for Diversity and Empowerment at Annenberg (IDEA) furthers the USC Annenberg legacy of diversity and empowerment studies by framing an impressive cohort of acclaimed scholars, leading research, compelling courses, and impactful programs that allow students to examine the vast complexities of diversity, identity, and culture – across both the School of Communication…