Center for Health Equity in the Americas

The purpose of the Center for Health Equity in the Americas (CenHealth) is to conduct and promote student/faculty national and international research and collaborations on solutions to health disparities throughout the Americas (North America, South America, Central America and the Caribbean); that will contribute to closing gaps in vulnerable populations in achieving health equity.

Center for Genetic Epidemiology

The Center for Genetic Epidemiology studies the genetic factors that contribute to disease, with a major focus on diverse populations that have different risks of developing disease. The center also concentrates on the establishment of population-based resources and the development and application of genomic methods for understanding the genetic basis of disease.

Center for New Technologies in Drug Discovery and Development (CNT3D)

CNT3D has been established as a cutting-edge research center focused on applying breakthrough technologies in synthetic and medicinal chemistry, structural biology, computational chemistry, and machine learning/AI to drug discovery and development (3D). One of the key platforms of the center includes V-SYNTHES, a giga-scale structure-based virtual screening technology for hit and lead discovery (Nature 2021). The…

Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology

The Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC’s Center for Craniofacial Molecular Biology is a unique facility that unites world-class researchers in a variety of disciplines centered around structures of the craniofacial region. Since its inception in 1991, CCMB has been home to several major discoveries and has attracted top researchers from around the world.

Center for Body Computing

With a mission to modernize health care through technology to make it more personal, affordable and accessible for all, the USC Center for Body Computing was founded in 2006 as one of the nation’s first academically-based digital health research and innovation centers. By leveraging digital technology to provide personal and continuous care, the USC CBC…

Center for Applied Network Analysis

The Center for Applied Network Analysis (CANA) hosts a twice monthly, two-hour lab meeting in which students, postdoctoral candidates and faculty present work in progress. CANA meetings cover a diverse set of topics centered around conducting research using the social network approach. CANA also organizes workshops on technology and techniques for conducting analysis.

Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine

The Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC draws collaborators from across conventional health and wellness fields, as well as from a broad range of other disciplines such as physics, biology, math and engineering to study cancer and potential ways to prevent, detect and treat the disease. The Institute complements and integrates cancer…

Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute

The mission of the Alzheimer’s Therapeutic Research Institute’s (ATRI) is to rigorously test methods for early detection of and treatments for Alzheimer’s disease (AD).  Led by Paul Aisen, MD,  ATRI is comprised by a  growing set of teams of highly skilled researchers  with expertise in biostatistics, psychology, informatics, bench science, molecular neuroimaging, neuroscience and more.

Alzheimer Disease Research Center

The Alzheimer Disease Research Center at USC is supported by the National Institutes of Health to conduct research on memory problems and aging. Studies include observational studies that follow participants over time while examining changes that may occur with age, and therapy studies such as exercise training, medications and vaccines. Goals are to understand the…

USC Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science

The University of Southern California’s Tobacco Center of Regulatory Science (USC TCORS) is one of nine Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science in the U.S. We were created to serve in the production of relevant scientific data to inform the regulatory decision making at the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products. Additionally, we…